The Challenge
Abandon Normal Devices are holding a pretty special event at Jodrell Bank in October.Watch the Skies is first ever large-scale outdoor cinematic event at the Observatory which is home to one of the largest radio telescopes in the world, and the UK centre for research in pulsars and space exploration.
This weekend of interstellar cinema features the screening of 2 sci-fi classics: 2001: A Space Odyssey and Alien. AND asked us to design a poster to advertise the event and as team consisting of the odd 1 or 2 sci-fi geeks we naturally jumped at the chance!
The Solution
We designed a visually striking poster in a retro sci-fi style featuring the iconic Lovell telescope.
We also created the stings to introduce the event, acts and of course the feature films on each night.
Event photo © Chris Foster Photography. Commissioned by Abandon Normal Devices.
Watch the Skies

Watch the Skies

AND presents Watch the Skies at Jodrell Bank
